Monday, November 14, 2011

Solitary confinement

Life is one big busy schedule! I have clinic now, 12 hours a week. On top of my 15 hours of classes. Throw in izzy's classes and online classes, and vincent's preschool, AND our room mates two jobs and school and clinic, and you realize you forgot to schedule time to breathe.
I'm really enjoying the fast pace of everything though. its challenging and fulfilling and setting me one step closer to my dream. and also to a more open schedule lol!
Our new place has a fire pit along with a giant back yard. I am excited to use it, perhaps for yule? I also have space now to have all my "Pagan stuff" out, and not stuffed into a giant bin(s). While i don't have much time to do anything or finish reading any books, I do manage to meditate on occasion, which helps me to stay focused on the main goal: graduating. I also get a few prayers in here and there, and practice with energy work gets thrown in there too! Unfortunately its all been solitary. I miss being with a group. It seems the gods just don't have that in the plan right now. I emailed a friend of mine last night, the high priestess for a coven i have been interested in working with, to let her know I just didn't have time. She told me that was alright and I could still take part when i had time. I was excited, then she posted that coven activities are now post-poned til further notice as she has some personal issues going on.
I also tried to join 2 different groups in my area, and even tried to start one. One group has pretty much ignored me, and another had not so great planning and then shut down. The group I tried to start never got further than an idea really.
Oh well, perhaps this is just meant to be a time for me to work by myself. Perhaps there is some lesson I can learn before joining with a group? Or perhaps time is just against me right now?
No matter what, I know if i stick to whats important and graduate, life will get MUCH better :)