Saturday, July 16, 2011

My guilty pleasure

Blue, gold, red, gold tigers eyes
In class the other day we were talking about things people tend to blow money on. That one thing, that you just have to buy even though you don't really need it. That cup of coffee from starbucks every morning (No, you do not NEED it), going out to eat more than occasionaly, buying shoes even though you have twenty pairs at home. At the time, I couldn't think of anything. I like to spend money on my kids, when i have money that is. Though I can tell myself no because I don't want them to be spoiled (They have grandparents for that).
Then I went to The Next Millenium, the pagan shop in town. Now, I strongly believe that you do not need fancy tools to cast a solid spell. You do not have to have a 300 dollar robe, 100 dollar wand, and every essential oil imaginable to "be somebody" in the pagan community. With that said, I still can't resist wanting every crystal/rock/gem in that store.

Blue lace agate. moonstone at side
I have all kinds of stones. Blue tigers eye, red tigers eye, gold tigers eye, amethyst, rose quartz, rutilated quartz, bloodstone, jasper, red goldstone, blue goldstone, pyrite, howlite, onyx... Maybe I shouldn't list everything. I'm no expert on the subject, but it is a subject very close to my heart. Over the years I have gathered a nice little collection. Friends and family know that a rock is a great gift. Especially if its one i dont already have!
Walking into that store, and seeing the huge selection of stones always makes my pockets burn. There are just so many uses for them. Meditation, spells, charms, jewelry, etc.. I love wearing different stones as a necklace. The different properties come in handy for different situations. Like quartz for healing, or pyrite for luck.

Stones have so many uses and properties. I won't share them all here as that would take a while. You can find some good books on the subject though. Or look online for crystal properties.

Snowflake obsidian
If you want to get some stones but don't have a lot of money to spend, head down to the water and look at rocks around there. Go hiking and pick up a few that call out to you. Explore a cave or two. You may just end up finding something you never thought you would. And If you don't know what you found, look it up. What color is it? where did you find it? Ask someone or look in a book or online. There are some jewelry stores that may be able to tell you what you have, though they tend to be the smaller stores. Think outside the box and be open to things. You find a dirty blackish blue rock and think its probably nothing. You rinse it off and notice there are sparkles on it! You may have just found a blue goldstone. Congratulations!


Thursday, July 14, 2011

What a week!

So i have survived my first week of massage classes! I absolutely love everything about being back in school. Its fast paced, fun, everyone is so friendly, and I love that I'm finally doing what I've always wanted too.
Despite having a migraine for the last two days, I toughed it out. nothing is gonna stop me from being in class everyday, especially since if i miss more than two classes its an automatic fail. I also have my portable massage table now so everyone in my house is being spoiled as my practice dummys. I'm sure that once I start to get more of a time plan worked out I'll be able to keep up with this more.

So I'll end this post with a question, How do you keep up with hectic schedules?

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Time passes by

Vincent with sparklers
Been a while since my last post, and by awhile I mean like a week or so. Sorry for the time lapse folks, life has gotten rather busy for me. There was the fourth of july which is more of a weekend event, and once that was said and done, I had orientation and school stuff to take care of before monday. YAY monday!! That's when my classes will be starting!

But now to the nitty gritty.

Fireworks! Izzy took this picture.
Writing a blog like this requires a few things. First, a good main topic. My main topic is just my everyday pagan life. Things I found useful, articles I stumbled across that I felt like sharing, recipes and spells I think would come in handy. I also throw some posts about my family and LGBT issues in there too, as these are important things to me. My blog has variety, a wide range of topics, without being completely scattered, at least I like to think so!

I took this. It looks like a dragon.
Second, it needs flavor. I'm talking humor and fun. I dunno about you guys but I can't stand reading something that is just: here are the facts. done. I want to make my readers smile, maybe even chuckle a little. We pagans tend to have interesting lives, why not bring out that color in what I write?

Finally, it needs readers. While I have gathered quite a few readers in just a short amount of time, I like to have some interaction and hope to gain more readers. So don't forget that this blog has a page on facebook! The more likes the page gets, the more I can do with the blog. I want to start doing giveaways and contests. I'd like to have discussions about topics my readers find interesting. I'm also going to start doing tarot readings for anyone that asks, of course this might not last long because as the numbers rise, I wont be able to do readings as much. and yes the readings will be free! I need the practice and don't see a reason for charging money.
Izzy did this one too :)
So just reminder, share this with friends and family, plaster the link on walls!

Also, another reminder, My classes are monday-thursday in the afternoons. I won't be able to write as much, but I'm gonna try and keep up with this. If I don't get to post a blog, I'll at least try and post some links on the fb page so you'll have something to read til I can post again! Hope everyone enjoyed their fourth of july, and my firework pictures!
