In an attempt to add some more structure to my blog, I will be starting a once a week posting of a continuous story. All I can say right now is that it will have to do with the gods and goddesses and is fiction. I hope it will be everything I imagine it to be! I'm also thinking about adding an occasional video. I still want to do some how tos, especially for my hemp necklaces, and I find videos are better for that then text and pictures.
I started a page on facebook, Witchy Mama Lynx. This is for anyone on facebook who wants an easier way to follow the blog. All updates are posted there, as well as links to things I find interesting and useful. Public posting is enabled, so if there's a link, picture, or comment you want to share, post away! I have a twitter as well, though I don't use it often, WitchyLynx. I'm not very twitter savy lol.
All of this is so that readers can be in contact, give me feedback, and discuss everything. feedback is a good thing!
I'm so excited for the story! I love your blog ^.^ it has so much great information! Keep up the good work!