Saturday, June 4, 2011

Priest, Priestess, Poser

When you walk the pagan path, you can expect to find a wide variety of people. There are those who are in the "broom closet" and those who practice openly and do a great deal of good for the image of pagan faiths. You'll also find those who are very ill-informed and tend to make the rest of us look like unicorn riding nut jobs, and then there are the people who seem to be the second one but are actually the third. I'm talking about the self proclaimed Priests and Priestesses. The ones who claim high rank amongst the pagans but couldn't tell you the difference between deosil and widdershins.

I'm sure we've all come across at least one. Unfortunately, there are plenty to be found. They give a bad name to the real Priests and Priestesses and other clergy of pagan faiths who have worked hard to attain their titles. So how then, can we weed out the impostors? I have a few tips, though not completely fool proof, they should help.

1. Fakes tend to be very vocal about their awesome knowledge and abilities, but when it comes time to prove it, they come up short. They brag about how great they are at seeing auras or their extensive knowledge of herbs. But then they tell you they cant see your aura for some reason, or that they've never heard of catnip tea for relaxation. Not everyone who is vocal about their gifts is a fraud though, so just pay close attention. Usually the real deal can easily prove they are.

"It's so fluffy i'm gonna die!"
2. They talk about their run ins with vampires, how the other night they managed to teleport/levitate, or how they have been possessed by a god/goddess. AKA nut jobs! These tend to sometimes have a group of followers that are mostly newer-to-the-path pagans who don't know any better. They make all pagans look like fluffy bunnies. Steer clear, as usually there is no talking any sense into them.

3. Use your judgement. If you meet someone who preaches away but won't let you give your two cents, move on. A real Priest/ess knows that their word is not law and that they can be wrong. If you find someone who claims they were given the title by their gods, be cautious. Wicca and many other pagan faiths require an initiation into a coven and much studying, learning, participation, and testing to gain such a title. There are those who believe you don't need a coven to tell you you're ready for such titles, I am one of them. But I also believe that holding a title is a big responsibility, not to be taken lightly, and requires A LOT of dedication.
 Just use your brain before you start practicing with a complete moron.

To anyone who is interested in joining a coven or practicing with a group, keep these in mind and you should do alright. Also, if you live in an area where finding a pagan is like finding gold check out Witchvox. You can make a profile, post a listing, and find stores, clergy, get togethers, articles, and so much more. Good luck to you.



  1. Blessed Be Sista!!! :) I'm a fairly new HP so I get a ton of questions from future members/prospects. I don't even talk to them about all of the little things I know or can do, because I'll be the first to admit that there is a lot that I to am learning and this is a new thing for me. I've always been solitary up to 2 years ago when I found my two best friends (whom are now 2 of my elders and the one is a regersterd reverand/minister that married my husband and I last year). In fact one of the first things that I hand my prospects is 2 packets. I talk to them first about the coven and our goals. And the second packet is a compilation of basic information that everyone should know and tips and pointers type of thing (it's like 50 pages, and some are front to back, but it's a lot of useful information and to some the beginning of a BOS). One of the biggest questions that I usually get is how do you respond to people who critize your choice in religion. To which my response is, kill them with kindness and knowledge. I'm always trying to learn something and know that wisdom comes with time. Also, that each member of a coven has something important and valuable to offer to the group, which is why we have "lessons" where a member teaches the group something they know that others may be interested in... It's all about honesty and faith... :)

  2. "Kill them with kindness and knowledge" I love that! There was a time a girl was telling her friends and family I was using voodoo on her. Her mother, being a very smart woman who thinks for herself, asked me face to face about it. And she listened while I explained my beliefs and how I felt about the subject. She came out of the conversation with a greater understanding of my religion, as well as a greater respect for me for being so honest and open and kind. I was upset I had been accused of hurting someone, but I didn't let that come out.
    I wish I lived closer to you, I would love to learn with your coven.

  3. :) i miss you hun and i can't wait till you come back and you can still join. :) I have web chat enable and your wisdom and knowledge is definately something that i would be more than happy to welcome to the group. :) Lemme know what ya think and i'll send you the info. :)
