Saturday, June 11, 2011

My Goddess

In fifth grade, a year after I found paganism, we learned about Greek gods and goddesses. This is one of my favorite school memories. The projects, the mythology, making a pinata for Apollo, playing the part of Io in a play... it was just awesome. I felt such a strong connection to them and to the Egyptian gods. I loved (and still love!) learning about deities and mythology and the history of religions in different cultures. As I grew older, I still had that connection.
I had a lot to learn about myself as I grew up. Coming to the conclusion that i was never going to fit neatly into a specific pagan path took a lot of trial and error. I couldn't accept one god, I couldn't accept just saying "god and goddess". I felt there were many gods. After meditating, and researching I realized I now had what one might call a Matron Goddess. This took years, and i don't think I chose, I think she chose me.
Bast, Egyptian cat-headed Goddess. There are many reasons i feel so connected to her, but there are two things in particular that sealed the deal for me. I have a tattoo on my left wrist, its the eye of Horus. Bast was given Horus's left eye to guard. While at the tattoo parlor, I asked for the eye of Ra, I ended up with the eye of Horus. A mistake I am now grateful for. The second reason? Gods usually have a ruling planet, Bast has both the sun and the moon. She was known to ride with Ra as he carried the sun across the sky, while at night, with her glowing cat eyes, she protected him from his enemies. I was born on the cusp of cancer and leo. Cancer being a moon sign, Leo being a sun sign.
I'm not going to get into a long post about finding a God/dess. There is no right way. Sometimes a person just knows, sometimes they spend years researching, sometimes something happens and they realize a god has chosen them. Choosing a deity is important when you are trying to figure out who you are and what path you should be on. But don't obsess over it, you'll know when you're supposed to know.


  1. Don't forget your love for kitties big and small. :) Your name is mama Lynx after all. :)

  2. ha ha of course! I am definitely a cat person. Even when Tali is giving me love bites in the morning to get me up.
